That children should LIVE together respectfully, in a space designed and planned for them and that invites them to learn;

That school is a place to EXPLORE movements, sounds, shapes, textures, colors, words, relationships, emotions and stories;

That childhood is a time to EXPAND your knowledge regarding the arts, writing, science and technology;

That children are guaranteed to EXPRESS, as subjects who dialogue, think and create.

At this stage, care is essential and welcoming and bonding are important objectives. The space is intentionally designed for babies and toddlers to live, play and learn.

Over time, care aimed at the child’s basic needs gives way to promoting the development of independence and autonomy. The central aspect becomes the pedagogical work.

In this stage, we emphasize: interaction with peers and adults to establish their own way of acting, feeling and thinking; development of language skills, gestures and oral expression; different ways of expressing yourself – dance, music, storytelling, arts; perception of the body of the other and of their own body, advancing in their skills and motor skills; and food education, whether in an experience of food observation, tasting or meals, developing good eating habits.

The pedagogical work in this phase ensures conditions for children to act as co-authors and co-participants in their learning process, with the educator as a mediator in their paths.

In this stage of schooling, we emphasize: interaction with peers and adults to establish a way of acting, feeling, thinking and positioning oneself; exploration and experiences related to a wide repertoire of movements to discover different ways of occupying and using space; coexistence with different artistic, cultural and scientific manifestations, local and universal; contact with stories, tales, fables, poems, strings, etc. providing familiarity with books and with different literary genres.

Early Childhood Education at Infanzia promotes opportunities in which children make observations, manipulate objects, investigate and explore their surroundings, raise hypotheses and consult sources of information to seek answers to their curiosities and questions.

From the 1st to the 5th year of Elementary School, we preserve an individualized view of the student’s learning process.
Our proposal considers contemporaneity, with current affairs and the reality of the child, bringing investigations, productions, research, literary readings and text production.

We offer a strong education where children are encouraged to seek academic excellence, and we carry out continuous and systematic monitoring of the evaluation processes.

Coexistence, in certain activities, with children from other classes and different ages, is a hallmark of our Elementary School, strengthening values ​​such as cooperation, respect and empathy.
Our students leave Infanzia in the 5th year prepared to enter any leading school, with a solid academic background and the ability to relate to any group.

Throughout the first semester, our children are invited to express their process of acquiring knowledge and creation through art.

Annually, the productions make up a great exhibition open to families.

In 2022, our artists had the privilege of exhibiting their work at the Museum of Contemporary Art – MAC Niterói.

The exhibition “Sejamos Raízes: Roots of Sensibility” was designed to invite children and visitors to reflect on the roots that sustain us.

Using elements found in nature and inspired by the works of avant-garde artists, the children revealed their role as children in thinking and capturing the world.